Locations & Times

What does it mean to need others or to be needed? Being in Community with others is necessary and meaningful when done correctly. Many people have burned out on Church because they do not understand its purpose in their life. Join us this weekend live or online as we look at this important topic of Community. See ya there!

Seen, Known, Loved

Since there is a fifth Sunday this month, we're taking part in a congregational service project this from wherever you are! Letter writing is a beautiful practice. Today, we'll write letters to those in our neighborhoods who are often overlooked and commonly dismissed.

Come to the party this weekend at Timberline Church! Ha! Sounds silly doesn’t it? We are in a series called “How We Change.” This weekend we will be looking at the practice of celebration. This is an important part of our salvation and walk with our Lord.

Pastor John leads our small group discussion on the topic of "Celebration"

This week we continued our series How We Change: Practicing the Way of Jesus. Pastor Dary explored celebration as a spiritual practice. Are you good at celebration? Is it something you do intentionally? Dary shared several accounts from the gospels in his sermon and pointed out that in each moment of celebration, there was someone who was bitter and defensive about the act of celebration itself. In our culture today, celebration can be looked at as foolish or naïve. Being a realist is almost equivalent with being mature. But God commands us to celebrate. Despite the brokenness around us (which is very real) we still have reason to sing “It is well with my soul.” I wonder if your small group members feel that they are good celebrators. Some of us are naturally better at doing this than others, but the call to rejoice in the Lord covers us all. I pray you all have great discussion this week!

How We Change: Celebration

Come to the party this weekend at Timberline Church! Ha! Sounds silly doesn’t it? We are in a series called “How We Change.” This weekend we will be looking at the practice of celebration. This is an important part of our salvation and walk with our Lord. Join us live or online. See ya there!

The Unseen Realm: week 2

Helpful vocabulary: Divine Council The sons of God Sons of the Most High Holy Ones Yahweh Elohim Malak / Angelos Ruachote Monogenes: monos + gennao / gena Suggested Reading by Michael S. Heiser: The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible Supernatural: What the Bible Teaches About the Unseen World - and Why It Matters Reversing Hermon: Enoch, the Watchers, and the Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ Angels: What the Bible Really Says About God’s Heavenly Host Demons: What the Bible Really Says About the Powers of Darkness

Home Town Hero

We're using the Revised Common Lectionary to guide our teaching.

From an Old Testament perspective, the purpose of sacrifice was a way of bringing people into the presence of God. More than sacrifice merely being ‘giving something up’, it is perhaps better understood as a giving over of the valuable, the sacred. Pastor Donny explores why God is worthy of our sacrifices and challenges us with the question, “What do you need to sacrifice?”

Pastor Donny leads the discussion this week on the subject of 'sacrifice' as we continue our series on How We Change- Practicing the Ways of Jesus.

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