In John 4, we study an encounter between Jesus and a Samaritan woman (Jesus’s longest interaction recorded in the Gospel of John). Many things threaten to serve as barriers between us and free and vibrant worship, but Jesus calls us to worship in spirit and in truth.
Pastor Donny leads our discussion this week on why and how we worship God.
Hi everyone, and welcome to our weekend at Timberline Fort Collins. This weekend, we have standalone message - ‘Let’s Talk - healthy conflict’. In a world that has been so divided over the last couple of years, let’s think about how we can disagree agreeably, really hear each other, and get along in our diverse opinions. This weekend, we look at an episode in the lives of two of the greatest New Testament heroes - the apostles Paul and Barnabas. They changed the world, planted churches, endured persecution - and then fell out in a row over team selection. How can we disagree agreeably, and consider ‘hot topics’ thoughtfully and biblically, without shouting that only leads to soundbites? And thanks as ever for joining us.
In this episode counselor Gary Emery shares about mental health and the Church. He shares common issues he is seeing more of in his practice. He also gives practical advice on how to find a counselor, rhythms to battle depression, and the power of our thinking.
We use the fifth Sundays in the month to join together and serve the community. Join us for our fifth Sunday Service Project!
Pastor Dary leads the discussion this week as we continue our "Healthy Mind" series
As we complete our “Healthy Minds” series, this weekend we are looking at the subject of worry. There is certainly no shortage of worry in the world Jesus has some radical things to say about it. Join us as we say, “Lord, teach us how to overcome worthless worry”. Jesus has some radical things to say about worry. Not all worry is wrong but there is a worthlessness about some worry which just chokes the joy out of life. We also need to understand the way that we think and react when the stress comes. As we end the series, “Healthy minds – God help us”, we affirm that we certainly need the Lord’s help in this area and thankfully, His help is available!
Jesus has some radical things to say about worry. Not all worry is wrong but there is a worthlessness about some worry which just chokes the joy out of life. We also need to understand the way that we think and react when the stress comes. As we end the series, “Healthy minds – God help us”, we affirm that we certainly need the Lord’s help in this area and thankfully, His help is available!