Water, water everywhere! It makes up a vast majority of our world and the composition of our bodies. Water is an element that even predates light. How can we see water again for the first time in ways that cause our souls to spring forth with worship?
Pastor John leads our discussion this week as we continue our series on God's Nature
Welcome to our weekend at Timberline Church - thanks so much for joining us, we’re glad you’re here! This weekend we continue our series, God’s Nature: Tracing His fingerprints, and we’re considering the theme of water, and seeing that our God the giver of life - and wants to bring His life and joy to others through us! We’re praying that this will be a life-giving experience for us all! As we consider our series his weekend, we will discover that water is so important in God’s Word that it is mentioned 722 times in the Bible, more often than faith, hope, prayer, and worship! The Bible frequently speaks of ‘living water’. So what is that? And if we’re called to be those who refresh others, what does that mean? We’ll also consider the challenge to live our lives as world changers and history makers!
It's summer time! As we spend more of our time outside, what does the natural world - nature - tell us about God's nature? We'll consider a different part of nature each week: the cosmos, birds, water, fields, fire, desert, wind and people.
Pastor Brent continues our series on "God's Nature" with his sermon highlighting how "Birds" show us the fingerprints of God and His nature as pointed out in scripture and the story of a prodigal son and His father.
Welcome to our weekend service! Thanks so much for joining us as we worship and dig into God’s word. This week we continue our teaching series, God’s nature: Tracing His Fingerprints - looking at what creation shows us about our creator. Jesus taught us to look at the ‘birds of the air’ - and we can learn about the God who made them as we do so. We’ll see that God cares for us - He cares for you! As we continue our series, we’re obeying a command that Jesus gave - look at the birds - and considering a story he told - the so-called Prodigal Son story. As we do, we’ll discover vital truths about God’s care, His grace, and His provision.
Pastor Brent continues our series called "God's Nature" with a look at how we see the fingerprints of God around "Birds". We explore how we see God's nature towards us and how this relates to the story of the prodigal son.
It's summer time! As we spend more of our time outside, what does the natural world - nature - tell us about God's nature?