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Good News! Not My Dream: "Joseph" By Dary Northrop
Series: ADVENT
Dary Northrop
December 15, 2024
In this video, we explore the emotional and spiritual struggle Joseph faced when he learned that his fiancée, Mary, was pregnant with God's child. Faced with confusion, doubt, and societal...
Mark: "Painfully Human" Mackenzie Matthews at Timberline Church
In this message Pastor Mackenzie Matthews invites us to consider Jesus patterns in the...
WNC "World Religions in 7 Sentences - Service #4" Brent Cunningham at Timberline Church
Welcome to the fourth week of the "World Religions in 7 Sentences" Wednesday Night...
"God's Heart in My Chest: Bigger Than Me" Kevin McGinley at Ascent Project Church
Pastor Kevin McGinley at Ascent Project Church on February 4, 2023
Mark: "Do Something You'd Never Do" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
I would NEVER do that! Ever said something like that? We all have – The problem is...
Bonus Group Resource: Mark- "Do Something We'd Never Do"
Pastor John leads the discussion this week as we continue our series on The Book of Mark.
RECAP: Mark: "What Really Matters" Jeff Lucas
Mark: "What Really Matters" Jeff Lucas at Timberline Church
In a culture that where truth is undermined and we seem preoccupied with trivia...
WNC "World Religions in 7 Sentences - Service #3" Brent Cunningham at Timberline Church
Welcome to the third week of the "World Religions in 7 Sentences" Wednesday Night...
Recap: "U COUNT Spotlight Weekend" Jonathan and Jennifer Barratt
"U COUNT Spotlight Weekend" Jonathan and Jennifer Barratt at Timberline Church
This weekend we look at how U COUNT, an anti-trafficking ministry of Timberline...
WNC "World Religions in 7 Sentences - Service #2" Brent Cunningham at Timberline Church
Welcome to the second week of the "World Religions in 7 Sentences" Wednesday Night...
Mark: "Jesus Anointed at Bethany" Brent Cunningham at Timberline Windsor
In anticipation and preparation for Jesus's ultimate sacrifice, he is anointed in a...