Locations & Times

"The Day the Revolution Began" Brent Cunningham at Timberline Windsor

Series: Timberline Church Windsor

August 25, 2024 | Brent Cunningham

Join us this weekend for Pastor Brent's message "The Day the Revolution Began"

Follow Along with the Message

“The Day the Revolution Began”

 Luke 24:13–35

Pastor Brent Cunningham

  1. Our awareness of Jesus’s presence doesn’t determine his  
  2. Jesus uses all our circumstances to   faith
  3. God is sovereignly in control  the end of history.
  4. You are not the best   of the circumstances of your life.
  5. Are you   yourself to the opening of Scripture?


Series Information

Weekend messages that are not a part of a sermon series (stand-alone weekends).

Other sermons in the series

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