"You Want To Try That Again?" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
Series: Timberline Church Windsor
June 30, 2024 | John Mehl
For a stand-alone weekend, Pastor John explores the ways Jesus’s call to ‘turn the other cheek’ is even more shocking than most of us realize. Jesus is not merely posturing his people in the midst of conflict and violence, he is presenting a way to overcome!
Series Information

Weekend messages that are not a part of a sermon series (stand-alone weekends).
Other sermons in the series

What Is The Role of the Holy Spirit In Our Lives?
What do you know about the Holy Spirit's role in our daily lives? Join Pastor Brent...

Student Weekend Windsor 2021
Timberline Windsor joins with Timberline Fort Collins as Pastor Justin Matthews gives...

Where Are You?
We don't typically think of God asking us questions, but He does. This week we will...

The Absolutely Ridiculous Servant Heart of God
God serving us is an absolutely ridiculous notion – except that we didn’t come up with...

"Remarkable Things" Mission Focus 2021
This world is not our home. According to Matthew 24:14 the way home is through the...

A Grateful Heart
Pastor Dick Foth shares a very special Thanksgiving message with us this weekend...

Ordinary After the Extraordinary
What was the next day like for the shepherds? Or for Mary and Joseph? Gathering...

How God Will Grow You in 2022
God is more committed to your flourishing than you are. Don't you want to see that??...

A People of Hope and Encouragement- Windsor Campus
Pastors Dary and John share church-wide and also campus-specific vision for the new year.

"Worship" Donny Abbott at Timberline Windsor
In John 4, we study an encounter between Jesus and a Samaritan woman (Jesus’s longest...

"Giving" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
Who are you living like? What is the content and conduct of your life representing?...

"What Are We Waiting For?" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
We live in the period of history in which we are awaiting the Second Coming of Jesus...

"Stay True to the Truth" Donny Abbott at Timberline Windsor
In a time where absolute truth seems fleeting or deemphasized, Pastor Donny calls...

"The Heart of Worship"
"The Heart of Worship"

"Come, Lord Jesus" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
In this special service, we are doing some exploration: What is our everlasting home?...

Missions Weekend "Whispers of Faith" at Timberline Windsor
In many places around the world the message of Jesus is not welcome. This weekend we...

"In This Way We Will Do All That God Requires!" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
In baptism season in the life of the church, Pastor John explores Jesus’s baptism in...

Morning of Worship at Timberline Windsor
Join us for a morning of Worship and Prayer at Timberline Windsor

'Come! You've Got To See This!' John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
What is God looking for in our extensions of generosity (giving, serving, etc.)? Why...

"It's All About God" Sami Gutierrez at Timberline Windsor
Join us for a special message from our TSM Director, Sami Gutierrez.

"Why Do You Have To Do That" Cody Van Pelt at Timberline Windsor

"Revelation: A ‘Refresh Button’ in 30 Minutes": John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
Because our souls so often need a refresh and perspective away from ourselves, Pastor...

"The Day the Revolution Began" Brent Cunningham at Timberline Windsor
Join us this weekend for Pastor Brent's message "The Day the Revolution Began"

Acts: Big God, Real Church- 'A Day Like No Other' Dick Foth at Timberline Windsor
On the day of the birth of the Church, we see the Spirit of God working in both...

"Vision 2025" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
Join us for our annual Vision weekend as we look ahead to 2025