Locations & Times

Outrageous Hospitality: "Party Time" - Dary Northrop at Timberline Church

Series: Outrageous Hospitality: Mealtime Habits of the Messiah

August 04, 2024 | Dary Northrop

Join us this weekend in our summer series called Outrageous Hospitality. Mealtime Habits of the Messiah, with Dary Northrop at Timberline Church.

Follow Along with the Message



Outrageous Hospitality: "Party Time" 


Pastor Dary Northrop 


John 2:1-12


1. The (). 


2. The ().


3. Faith is linked to (). 


4. The (). 


5. A model of ().


6.  The joy of ().  



Series Information

Other sermons in the series