Locations & Times

Anger Happened

We are talking about anger. Something we have seen much more of in our culture these days. Anger itself is not a bad thing. It can be a good motivator to call us to action. But most of the time, anger comes out in ways that are hurtful and destructive. Let's take a look at how anger is affecting our lives personally.

Hope Happened

Jeff Lucas as he unpacks the story of Daniel in his message "Hope Happened"

Resentment Happened

In a world where resentment, accusation and bitterness seems to fill the air, we learn about what resentment does to our lives...and find steps to move beyond it. This week, "resentment happened".

Justice and Mercy Happened

When you look at the life of Jesus, two actions loom large: JUSTICE and MERCY. We live in a moment that cries out for both. Let's journey into that world!

Generosity Happened

We are talking about generosity. This story we often know as “the good Samaritan“ is a story that has impacted my life for years. I still remember the flannel graph with the guy who was beat up on the road and the people who walked by him who didn’t even seem to care. Then there was that other guy. The guy who stopped and took care of his wounds and let him ride his donkey and paid for his lodging. Generosity has much more to do with things besides money than you might think. So let’s look at it together and see what God puts in our hearts.

Faith Happened

We are talking about faith. What is faith? Can I get more of it? Do I already have a lot of faith? Let’s explore what happens in our lives when we look at our divine nature. Will I learn to trust the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life? “Faith Happens” as I let the Spirit live and breath through my everyday experiences.

Curiosity Happened

Pastor Jeff looks at the life of a man who was transformed by Jesus - Zacchaeus - and we discover some wonderful truths about how Jesus sees us - we are fully known and deeply loved - right now.

Serving Happened

In the first of our new series, ‘What just happened?”, Pastor Jeff explores an episode that shows how we can turn heads and hearts in our world with a towel and a bowl - following His example, adopting the heart and actions of a servant.

The Giving of Antioch

I can remember early on in my childhood hearing someone tell me about the scripture that said, “ It is more blessed to give than to receive.“ I can remember thinking that I felt that was kind of silly because receiving would always be more fun. I was wrong as a child. The Bible speaks of giving in three primary ways. The giving of time, talent and treasure. We will look at how the church in Antioch was the church that kept on giving. How could a mostly non-Jewish congregation receive an offering for the formal, ritualistic, traditional Jewish church in Jerusalem. I believe the human need to give truly is more powerful than the human need to receive.

How to Fight Nicely

Have you ever disagreed with someone? How did that go for you? In our lives, relationships can often be our greatest joy as well as our greatest sorrow. We are looking at how conflict affects our lives. Conflict in and of itself is not a bad thing but how we respond to it can make it a positive or a negative experience for us. Let’s learn together!

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