Locations & Times

Our God Is My Refuge

Series: Rock Solid

July 11, 2021 | Dary Northrop

Join us this weekend as we look at the power of grace and mercy. Psalm 54 is the thoughts of David as Saul comes to take David’s life. How do you respond to betrayal and threats? Looking forward to it.

Follow Along with the Message

Our God is My Refuge 

Psalm 54 

  1. A story of   -the Ziphites 
  2. A story of   - Saul 
  3. A story of   and   - David 
  4. A story of   - Saul 
  5. A story of   - GOD 

What is your story? 















Series Information

In our new teaching series, Rock Solid, we are going to looking at the most awesome sight in the universe - the amazing character of God as revealed in the Psalms. The Psalms are a unique vantage point for us because there we see God interacting with the human condition, and there’s much to inspire and strengthen us as we take this journey of learning together. Knowing who God is the key to living life His way, so don’t miss a single week of this exciting series!

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