Locations & Times

Right before the final moment of Jesus’ life, he utters a cry to the Lord that is the most shocking moment of his life: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” The implications of what he endured in that moment, the ripple-effect that it has upon our lives, and the unique ways that our stories impact others is all truly ‘A Story To Tell’!

Pastor John leads the discussion this week as we continue our series on the Book of Mark

This weekend we will explore with Dick Foth the most profound six hours in the history of mankind, the crucifixion of Jesus.

Welcome to the ninth week of the "World Religions in 7 Sentences" Wednesday Night Community series. This Wednesday's service is with guest speaker Wes Tucker!

Pastor Matthew McGinley at Ascent Project Church on March 17, 2024

The reign of Jesus allows us to rightly re-place God on the throne of our lives. The only question is whether we will fight or welcome his reign.

Pastor John leads our discussion this week as we continue our series on the Book of Mark

Is our world becoming more violent? Is anger becoming more uncontrollable in this nation. Shootings, fights, revenge, bullying and hate… How is all this connected to God? Join us this weekend as we look at the last days in the life of Jesus. Hope to see you there!

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