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Acts 16: Big God, Real Church | Breaking Chains and Finding Freedom | Joshua McGinley | Timberline Church
Series: Acts: Big God, Real Church
Joshua McGinley
February 2, 2025
Acts 16 shares the incredible transformation stories of 3 new believers. Lydia is the first convert in Philippi, a girl who was possessed by a demon and in slavery is freed, and the jailer...
The Walk of Becoming: "Experiencing Gentleness" Dick Foth at Timberline Church
This weekend we will explore the unique power of GENTLENESS, as deeper than an action...
The Walk of Becoming: "Experiencing Faithfulness" Donny Abbott at Timberline Church
Join us this weekend as we talk about “faithfulness.” It is listed as a fruit of the...
The Walk of Becoming: "Faithfulness" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
Especially in Christian circles, we proclaim God’s faithfulness (his worthiness of our...
Bonus Group Resource: The Walk of Becoming "Faithfulness"
Pastor John leads the discussion this week as we continue our series on The Fruit of...
RECAP: The Walk of Becoming: "Experiencing Faithfullness" Donny Abbott
The Walk of Becoming: "Goodness" Brent Cunningham at Timberline Windsor
What is 'goodness'? How do we define this flavor of the Fruit of the Spirit? In order...
Bonus Group Resource: The Walk of Becoming "Goodness"
Pastor Brent leads the discussion as we continue our series on The Fruit of the Spirit.
RECAP: The Walk of Becoming: "Experiencing Goodness" Dary Northrop
The Walk of Becoming: "Experiencing Goodness" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church
Join us this weekend as we talk about “goodness.” It is listed as a fruit of the...
Madelynn Orstead on Saying Yes to God in the Unexpected
In this episode Madelynn Orstead, Missions Director at Timberline Church, shares about...
The Walk of Becoming "Kindness" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
If we allow ourselves to focus on how God’s kindness is lavished upon us as a response...
Bonus Group Resource: Walk of Becoming- "Kindness"
Pastor John leads the discussion as we continue our series on The Fruit of the Spirit.