Locations & Times

Advent: Week 4 | Good News! - Shepherds By Dary Northrop

Series: ADVENT

December 22, 2024 | Dary Northrop

Join us as we reflect on the powerful story of the shepherds from Luke 2, where the humble, watchful shepherds received the heavenly announcement of Jesus' birth. In this Advent series, we’ll explore the significance of their encounter with the Savior, the hope they carried, and the joy they spread. Tune in for a meaningful time of worship, reflection, and anticipation as we prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ.

Follow Along with the Message

Join us as we reflect on the powerful story of the shepherds from Luke 2, where the humble, watchful shepherds received the heavenly announcement of Jesus' birth. In this Advent series, we’ll explore the significance of their encounter with the Savior, the hope they carried, and the joy they spread. Tune in for a meaningful time of worship, reflection, and anticipation as we prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ.

Series Information

Other sermons in the series