Locations & Times


Welcome! We're following the liturgical calendar and today is Pentecost. Join u

Pastor Jeff Lucas leads the discussion for our U Count 2021 weekend.

I Am Here- U Count

U Count Weekend 2021


U COUNT Weekend 2021 At Timberline we are about changing the world, one person at a time, as we experience and share the love of God that is for every person on the planet. This weekend we celebrate the work of U COUNT, Timberline’s initiative to end the scourge of human sex trafficking that, tragically, blights many lives near and far. Great progress is being made! Join us for the celebration that will include a teaching message from Pastor Jeff about a beautiful intervention from God - the biblical story of Hagar, a woman used and abused, but seen and blessed by God.

U COUNT Weekend - Old Town

Welcome! Join us online as we hear about U COUNT and the work to fight human trafficking, both locally and globally.

W.I.N.: Kids & Students

We need the kids and students in our church and our community to know the value that they have to God and to us! Every child is one caring individual away from a success story. How is the movement of the Spirit extending in them and through them? That’s what we’re after this weekend!

Pastor John leads the discussion this week on 'What's Important Now: Children & Students"


Join Dick Foth as he explores the places God has showed up in our personal journeys of faith, and how they are the predictors of what we can expect in the future.

"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:12​-14

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