Locations & Times

Suicide is an incredibly tough topic to talk about. But we’re not going to shy away from it, or get stuck in the weight, because of the ‘resurrection power’ of Jesus. With great care and sensitivity, let’s consider this much needed sermon together!

Pastor John leads the discussion this week on his sermon entitled "Silver to Silver" from our Mirror, Mirror series.

This weekend we continued our series Mirror to Mirror: Moments of Reflection. This series explores some mirrored moments in the lives of several figures in scripture, before the Resurrection and after. This weekend Pastor Dary explored “Silver to Silver” in the life of Judas. This conversation can be a tender one, because it brings suicide to the surface. Many of the people in our groups have experienced suicidal thoughts, or have been directly impacted by suicide. We recognize this as tender, and I encourage you to give space to acknowledge the range of feelings present in each of us as you begin your small groups this week. In the midst of Judas’ story, we cling to the hope we have in the gospel. Whatever we face tomorrow, we are not alone and our Hope is firm in Christ. His mercies are new every morning!

Why did Judas take his own life? This weekend we are talking about Judas and why he lost hope. God has a plan for you. Do you realize that? What happens in our thinking that could destroy our future? Join us online or live for this reality check. Look forward to seeing you!

Mike Walker is the Executive Director at Serve 6.8 and in this episode he shares his story. God met him and led him in powerful ways. Despite moments of uncertainty Mike remained faithful and obedient to wait on God for the calling on his life. Later in this episode we talk more about how Serve 6.8 was launched out of Timberline, and what their work is doing in our broader community today. You can see more about the resources they offer and how you can partner with them by visiting Serve68.org.

Bread is a biblically and cross-culturally significant element. Specifically, it is featured prominently in revealing who Jesus really is and what he is really after in us and through us. This weekend we explore the ways Jesus reveals himself to us and how we are invited to respond.

Pastor Donny leads our discussion this week on his sermon titled "Bread to BBread"

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