Locations & Times

Welcome to the fourth week of the "World Religions in 7 Sentences" Wednesday Night Community series with Pastor Brent Cunningham!

Pastor Kevin McGinley at Ascent Project Church on February 4, 2023

I would NEVER do that! Ever said something like that? We all have – The problem is that we may have ourselves fooled, but God knows us even better than we know ourselves. More than that, he does FOR US what we would never be able to do for ourselves. In light of that, we respond in allowing more of his movement in and through our lives!

Pastor John leads the discussion this week as we continue our series on The Book of Mark.

In a culture that where truth is undermined and we seem preoccupied with trivia, Pastor Jeff points us to Jesus final evening with his friends - the Last Supper. There we learn what matters most.

Welcome to the third week of the "World Religions in 7 Sentences" Wednesday Night Community series with Pastor Brent Cunningham!

This weekend we look at how U COUNT, an anti-trafficking ministry of Timberline Missions, is partnering and working hard in far off lands and right here in Northern Colorado to bring liberty and life to countless captives all in the Name of Jesus who is our liberator.

Welcome to the second week of the "World Religions in 7 Sentences" Wednesday Night Community series with Pastor Brent Cunningham!

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