Locations & Times

Join us this weekend as we explore the Christmas story. We will be looking at the song, “Joy to the World.” Thanks for tuning in!

Advent: "Silent Night" -Timberline Windsor

Each of us have a choice to make about the coming of Jesus. Will we accept him for who he truly is? Will we allow ourselves to welcome peace with God? Explore the miracle of the divine interruption into the silent night and explore those questions in your heart.

Pastor John leads our discussion this week as we continue our Advent series

This week we are considering the song Silent Night. Do you know the story of this song? Come and join us live in person or online. We can’t wait to see you there.

Advent: "O Holy Night" Timberline Windsor

The great carol, O Holy Night, has quite the history of its development and appearances throughout history. In many ways, this is a microcosm of the ways in which the mighty, miraculous works of the Lord come and meet us in our weary world – just like the very first Christmas. “For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!”

Pastor Donny leads the discussion this week as we continue our Advent series.

Advent is such a wonderful time of preparation and celebration of the coming of the King of kings and also looking forward to His second coming! There is a powerful line in the first chorus of O Holy Night that calls us to “Fall on your knees,” and this is the posture of advent. A posture of worship and humility before the King of kings! May our focus and attention be on Jesus this Christmas season and how the Light of the world has come to us!

Advent is such a wonderful time of preparation and celebration of the coming of the King ofkings and also looking forward to His second coming! There is a powerful line in the first chorusof O Holy Night that calls us to “Fall on your knees,” and this is the posture of advent. A postureof worship and humility before the King of kings! May our focus and attention be on Jesus thisChristmas season and how the Light of the world has come to us!

Built on the foundation we developed in our ‘Playlist’ sermon series, we now turn our attention to 4 of the most profound Christmas carols. More than just looking at the lyrics of the carols (which are GREAT) we look at the Scriptural basis for each of these great proclamations and celebrations. First up: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

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