Locations & Times

Establishing the family of God was at the heart of Christ’s mission and ministry. Even when it’s messy or complicated, every one of us has the invitation and intention to be part of a family.

Pastor John leads the discussion on 'The Priority of Family'

In this Mother’s Day weekend message Mackenzie invites us into the account of two sisters, Mary and Martha. We look specifically at their attention and distraction. What does it look like for us today to have radical attention on Jesus in the hurried and busy pace of the now?

The Heart for the Lost

There are people in our community – in our neighborhood, classrooms, homes, and workplaces – that just aren’t interested in Jesus. But you’re a touchpoint with them – You go to work with them, they’re a client of yours. People in our church family have been passionately stirred for us to talk this weekend about how we can choose to increase our ‘sending capacity’ as well as our ‘seating capacity’.


Welcome to the first week of our online specific service. Join us in experimenting. We're glad you're here.

Pastor John leads the discussion this week as a companion to his weekend teaching on "The Heart for the Lost"

What does it mean to live in the plan and will of God? What does it mean to have a mission in life? This weekend we will discover how Jesus handled his passion to fulfill his mission. We will also discuss how we can do the same.

God My Shepherd

You are God's child, Gifted with dreams and visions. Upon you rests the grace of God like flames of fire. Love and serve the Lord in the wildness of your being. Practice Resurrection. And may the deep peace of Christ be with you, The strong arms of God sustain you, And the glory of the Holy Spirit shine upon your face. Amen.

There is an extent to which we are able to choose your own adventure in our faith journey. God WILL bring about his purposes, but what extent will we be involved?

Do you believe that God still talks to people? I’m wondering if it’s whether or not we are listening. This weekend we are taking a look at what it means to listen to the voice of God. I hope you’ll join us.

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