Locations & Times

Live, Breath, Reveal

In this message, Pastor Bob Seale discusses how the new year is full of endless possibilities when we make ourselves available to God and his surprises. Learn how curiosity, humility, and a relentless search for Jesus makes us “good news” to the people and world around us.

Reflecting with God

The examen is a prayer of reflection with God - receiving the love of God, guided by the Trinity. Join us in an examen of 2020 - through celebration, grief, noticing God's love, and asking God the questions we long to speak.

What is it like for you when Christmas is all over? Is there trash everywhere...wrapping paper all around? We put together the toys and puzzles and swing set. Ugh! What was it like for Joseph and Mary? The angels were gone, the shepherds were gone, the magi were gone. Now it was time to head back to Nazareth and raise baby Jesus. We will look this weekend at what it was like for Joseph and Mary to raise this baby Jesus in a normal ordinary lifestyle.

Goodbye 2020, Part 1

Join us at the Farmhouse at Timberline Windsor as we say "Goodbye 2020"

Christmas Eve Service 2020

Thank you for sharing a moment of hope and joy this Christmas Eve with Timberline Church! We are thankful to be a part of your celebration on this special day. May the God of hope fill you and your home with all joy and peace this holiday season!

You and Christmas

We are looking at how different people respond to the Christmas story. Joseph responded differently than Mary. King Herod had his own unique response that turned to violence. The shepherds took action as part of their response. How do you respond?


Joseph: a craftsman and a just man, who captures a watershed moment in all of human history.


We’re talking about Mary. Yes, the mother of Jesus. Mary did not ask to be the mother of Jesus but she was selected because of her character and integrity. God saw the qualities in her that it would take to raise His son. Let’s look at her response this week to the challenge God put before her.

Pride Happened

Dick Foth speaks on the theme, PRIDE HAPPENED. In short, PRIDE is at the heart of all human ills. It is a virus for which HUMILITY is the only vaccine. How does that healing happen?

Gratitude Happened

We are going to take a look at what it means to live with Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is much more than a holiday where we eat food and hang out with family. I hope you can listen in and ask yourself some good questions about whether or not you have a spirit of gratitude.

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