Locations & Times

In this weekend’s message, we concluded our series Living Whole in a Fractured World: A Letter from James, and Pastor Dary led us to look at Prayer, which is really talking to God. He encouraged us to dive into some practical ways we can grow our prayer life.

As we conclude our series on The Book of James, Pastor John leads our discussion on the sermon titled "Whole People Always Talk to God"

Have you ever been caught talking to yourself? Well this weekend we are going to be talking about “talking to God.“ I hope you will join us either online or live. We will also be praying for people with physical and emotional needs.

The resilience – the integrity – the ‘wholeness’ of your faith as we’ve been talking about throughout this entire series, is tested and proven amidst hardships – like sickness. In a season where this is particularly relevant, we look at the way the local church has always found ways to head towards those suffering illness with the love and power of Jesus.

In this weekend’s message, we jumped back into our series Living Whole in a Fractured World: A Letter from James, and Pastor Dary led us to look at Trust. Who do you trust? Eroded trust is everywhere in our culture, and it impacts how we view, trust or distrust God. It is God and God alone who can ultimately be fully trusted. He is not a liar. He is the truth. I am hopeful that your discussions this week will be rich!

Learning to See

A mini-series on learning to see

Whole people trust God for tomorrow - ‘Trust God’ being the emphasis of this title, not ‘for tomorrow’, because James’s point is that that isn’t promised. But one thing that is promised - that we especially trust God for - is that Jesus WILL return. So ‘Live beyond the mist’ (James 4:14)!

Pastor John leads our discussion this week on what it means to trust God and live 'beyond the mist'

Who do you trust? Trust is one of the biggest topics we could ever discuss. It impacts so many decisions in our lives every single day. We hope you join us this weekend as we discuss this topic. Join online or live. Can’t wait to see you there!

Learning To Take Pleasure in How God Has Made You

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