Locations & Times

In this message Pastor Mackenzie Matthews explores the power of living “All-in” as we see it in Acts chapter 4 and 5. We unpack the shocking moment of dishonesty with Ananias and Sapphira, and how we approach knowing ourselves honestly before God.

Pastor Mackenzie leads our discussion this week as we continue our series on The Book of Acts.

WNC - Salvatore Mundi - Week 2

The Gospel of John reminds us: “Since you have given Him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given Him.” John 17:2 Eternal life comes through Jesus as Savior of the World.

Filled with the Holy Spirit to speak the word of God with boldness (Live Your Purpose Invite)

Pastor John leads the discussion this week as we continue our series on The Book of Acts

When God desires to do a fresh thing in us and through us, his Spirit enlarges our capacity and empowers us. The more we recognize and live in this sort of filling the more boldly we will live. But for lives that may already feel (or truly be) full, how much more ‘full’ can we get? How full is full?

WNC - Genesis - Week 1

We delve into one of the Bible's most controversial and misunderstood books—Genesis. This study session will unravel the mysteries, clarify misconceptions, and explore the profound messages embedded in the first book of the Bible.

Acts : Pentecosts. In this chapter we will: Unpack the significance of Pentecost: Discover how this moment was more than just a historical event; it was the day when the very presence of God moved from the temple to the hearts of believers. Explore the transformation of the church: Learn how the promised Holy Spirit empowered Jesus' followers to become bold disciples, spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Reflect on the ongoing impact: See how the ripples of Pentecost still influence and inspire the church today.

The day of Pentecost is one of the most life altering days in all of history and its impact is still having a ripple effect to this day. The very presence of God has now been transferred from the structure of the temple to the hearts of believers. The promised Holy Spirit is now present to work in and through the followers of Jesus, and they are transformed to be bold disciples who take the Gospel of Jesus to the known world!

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