Pastor Donny Abbott leads the discussion this week from his teaching on the question- Where are You?
Why did Jesus go to Matthew‘s house for dinner? Matthew was a tax collector. They were hated among the Pharisees and scribes. Jesus stirred the pot and it cost him greatly. Come join us this weekend live or online as we look at risking our reputation in order to love others well.
In this weekend’s message we got to hear Pastor Dary preach on Psalm 34. In this Psalm David gives God thanks for helping him overcome fear. What is your relationship like with fear? What does the good news of the Gospel look like in the face of fear?
Our God specializes in liberation. Some of the things that hold us back and enslave us come from our enemy. Some come from consequences of other people’s actions. Some we take on ourselves from the desires of our flesh. But God, our liberator, has the real power in our lives!
Pastor John Mehl leads the discussion this week for our final sermon in the Rock Solid series.
This weekend we will be looking at Psalm 34. David gives God thanks for helping him overcome the fear that he was facing. I hope you join us online or live. See you there
We're starting a series in Colossians. Join us for our first week.
In this weekend’s message we got to hear Pastor Dick Foth preach on Psalm 139. Our creator God, the author of life and of creativity is highlighted in this psalm. He puts art and beauty and us at the heart of his creation. Pastor Foth referenced Makoto Fujimura’s book Art and Faith, A Theology of Making for those interested in diving in further to this topic. Hope you enjoy your conversation!
Full Interview with Barb Melby, Mark Boustred, and Dick Foth