Locations & Times

The Gospel of Mark opens up essentially mid-story with Jesus’s life and ministry. The author, John, sees John the Baptist as playing a critical role – not JUST in Jesus’s story – but in God’s salvation purposes as played out from creation through Elijah, and up to this pivotal point over all of history. Join us as we begin the good news account of Jesus – a new promise and invitation to hope, help, and healing!

Pastor Brent leads our discussion this week as we kick off our new Sermon Series "Mark: Hope, Help and Healing"

As we kick off the new series "Hope, Help, & Healing" with Pastor Jeff Lucas, we will be looking at the story of Jesus through the book of Mark. Thank you for tuning in!

Revelation: Week 1

Introduction: Author, Audience, Context, Purpose

Join us this week for Part 2 of “Follow the Nudge.” Does God still lead us by nudging us by His Holy Spirit? I believe God still nudges us. Let’s find out how He may do that.

What’s the difference between clear-cut obedience and ‘nudges’ of the Spirit? We explore the biblical example and legacy of Samuel and in turn look at things that might be more clear-cut for some and nudges for others.

Pastor John leads the discussion this week for Part 2 of our Vision 2023 series.

Pastors Dary Northrop and John Mehl teach together on what it means to follow the nudge of the Spirit. Are there practical ways we can strengthen and deepen our receptivity to God’s will in our lives?

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