Locations & Times

Pastor Donny leads our discussion this week on his sermon titled "Bread to BBread"

This weekend we continued our series Mirror to Mirror: Moments of Reflection. This series explores some mirrored moments in the lives of several figures in scripture, before the Resurrection and after. This weekend Pastor Dary explored “Bread to Bread” moments looking at the Last Supper and the Emmaus Road accounts. “Their eyes were opened” around a table again breaking bread.

Have you ever had an eye-opening experience? What caused it to happen? We will continue our Easter series this weekend and discover some defining moments for the followers of Jesus. Please join us live or online. Can’t wait to see ya!

Shame and guilt are universal experiences of being human. For some, shame will be the defining narrative that keeps them completely stuck and hijacks their entire identity. As believers, we ground ourselves not in the accuser’s shaming voice, but rather in the outrageous grace of the gospel. We are forgiven and more loved than we ever dared hope. In this episode, we take a deeper dive with Pastor Jeff Lucas into key moments of shame and grace in the life of the Apostle Peter.

Join us as Pastor Jeff kicks off our new sermon series leading up to Easter Sunday- Mirror, Mirror: Moments of Reflection

Pastor John leads our discussion as we kick off our new sermon series entitled "Mirror, Mirror" that will lead us up to Easter

This weekend we launched into our new series, Mirror to Mirror: Moments of Reflection. This series explores some mirrored moments in the lives of several figured in scripture. This weekend Pastor Jeff kicked it off looking at Peter and the “Fire to Fire” moments in his story. By a fire Peter denies Jesus. By a fire Jesus restores and commissions Peter. These moments speak to the shame and guilt that come from failure. It also speaks to the outrageous grace of God.

Join us as we start our new series "Mirror Mirror: Moments Of Reflection"

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