Locations & Times

Pastor Joshua McGinley at Ascent Project Church on March 3, 2024

Peter's denial (and subsequent restoration) serves as a model for each of us. Explore the ways we are not defined by our failures and the ways the Lord can even use them for redemptive purposes in others.

Pastor Brent leads the discussion this week as we continue our series on the Book of Mark

This weekend, Pastor Jeff looks at Peters epic failure as he repeatedly denied Jesus. Why did that happen? What is the power of shame, and how does Jesus respond to us when we fail?

Welcome to the seventh week of the "World Religions in 7 Sentences" Wednesday Night Community series with Pastor Brent Cunningham!

Pastor Joshua McGinley at Ascent Project Church on February 25, 2024

Faced with the stubborn rejection of the religious leaders, Jesus issues a clear and bold statement about his identity along with the implications for all who reject him. It is decision-time about the man and the claims that he issues: What is our choice?

Pastor John leads the discussion this week as we continue our series on the Book of Mark

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