Locations & Times

This weekend we take a break from our Mark series to spend four weekends preparing for Christmas. Our series, ‘Promises Kept’ will focus primarily on the Old Testament prophecies and promises God made about the coming of Jesus to rescue us - we’re looking at the Christmas story from a fresh angle!

Entering into Advent season prepares our hearts for the celebration of the coming of the Promised Messiah. Allow a vast perspective of God’s creation and the promises that he has made (including those yet to be fulfilled) to stir worship anew this season!

This weekend we take a break from our Mark series to spend four weekends preparing for Christmas. Our series, ‘Promises Kept’ will focus primarily on the Old Testament prophecies and promises God made about the coming of Jesus to rescue us - we’re looking at the Christmas story from a fresh angle!

Pastor John leads the discussion this week as we kick of Advent at Timberline Windsor.

Pastor Dick Foth at Ascent Project Church on November 19, 2023

In this message Pastor Mackenzie Matthews invites us to consider what is pleasing to God as we break down Mark 12:35-44. In what would be Jesus' final public teaching, He contrasts the noise and flash of the revered religious leaders with the quiet sacrificial love of a poor widow that gave all she had - mere pennies! What does it look like for us in our world today to beware of religion that is a mere show? How might we follow the example of the poor widow and of Jesus himself who gave it all?

Pastor Mackenzie leads the discussion this week as we continue our series on the Book of Mark.

Join us at Timberline as we look at what it means to be a giver. Giving earnestly to God all that is His. My time, talent and treasure. Hope to see you there!

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