Locations & Times

We all deal with some form of stress in our lives. Stress hits from all kinds of different places and sometimes is totally outside of our control. So how do we deal with and manage stress in a way that honors God and doesn't negatively affect our attitudes or behaviors? This weekend we will continue our series, "Healthy Mind" by discussing 2 different Biblical narratives and how these men and women dealt with stress. You can join us in person or online, and we look forward to seeing you this weekend!

The world around us (and our flesh) will always strive to convince us that we’re not content. There’s also more we need – more stuff, more experiences, more attributes. As followers of Jesus we not only can but must find and participate in the surpassing contentment that comes from the power of the Spirit alone.

Pastor Jeff Lucas leads our discussion this week as we continue our sermon series "Healthy Mind: God Help Us"

This week we continued our series Healthy Mind: God Help Us! Pastor Donny shared about Contentment. Contentment is an interesting thing to consider in this lens of our mind or thought life. How often do our thoughts promote a state of discontentment? Our culture gets caught up in the pursuit of more and more, and we often unknowingly allow our minds to wander to the next thing that will bring us satisfaction or ‘happiness.’ It could be money, cars, clothes, achievements. What is it for you? What does it look like to train our minds to be like Paul in Philippians 4.11b, “for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Content beyond our circumstances... Sounds nice! Also hard! God help us. We hope you have great conversation around this topic, and that God will use your group, your friendships and your conversations around the scriptures, to lead to transformational change in hearts and minds this week.

In our Western culture we often get caught up in the pursuit of more and more. It could be money, cars, clothes and a host of other “things” we tend to pursue in life. This weekend Pastor Donny Abbott will be speaking on contentment and the idea of the knowledge of enough

As we look at the encounter Elijah had with overwhelming depression, we find that even when the journey is too much for you, it is not too much for the Spirit that resides within you.

Pastor Dick Foth leads the discussion this week as we continue our "Healthy Mind- God Help Us" series

This week we continued our new series Healthy Mind: God Help Us! We are hopeful this series will be incredibly relevant as we address topics like fear, worry, contentment, depression and stress. Our thought life really matters! This week Pastor Jeff Lucas shared about depression, calling his sermon "When the Journey is Too Much." The conversation turned to one of the great heroes of the old Testament – Elijah. He certainly experienced the power of God in his life but he also knew what it was to be overwhelmed by depression. As we look at this story there is much that we can learn, and we hope you have great discussion around this in your groups!

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