Locations & Times

Pastor John Mehl leads the discussion as we wrap up this final week in our "Playlist" series.

Join us this weekend as Pastor Dick Foth wraps up our PLAYLIST series by going to Revelation and reflecting on our King. Thank you for tuning in!

Week 3: The Abyss, Gehenna, and Paradise   Helpful Vocabulary: Sheol (HB) / Hades (GK) Abraham’s Bosom Temporary place of punishment The pit / the abyss / Tartarus (Abaddon) Paradise Gehenna / hell / lake of fire / eternal fires / eternal punishment The heavens New heavens and new earth   Suggested Resources: www.StepBible.org www.NetBible.org www.BlueLetterBible.org

Hold Fast

With only two more weeks left in our Playlist series, we turn our focus to the way our songs of worship serve to not only express our theology, but also form it. We will become like that which we worship.

Pastor Brent leads the discussion this week as we continue our "Playlist" series

Join us this weekend as we look at how we worship. Jesus says to worship God in spirit and in truth. What does that mean and how can we do it? Hope to see you there!

Week 2: Afterlife The Underworld / the place of the dead Helpful Vocabulary: • Sheol (HB) / Hades (GK) Abraham’s Bosom Temporary place of punishment The pit / the abyss / Tartarus • Paradise • Gehenna / Hell / Lake of fire / eternal fires / eternal punishment • The heavens • New heavens and new earth

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