Locations & Times

This Easter Sunday we ask that the lost, the uncommitted, would be drawn to Jesus and drawn together as the church! Each of us must answer a key question: What is everyone so happy about? That answer reveals to us God’s pursuit of us and his power in us.

Good Friday service at Timberline Windsor

Tonight is Good Friday. Two days before Easter, we remember and reflect on the crucifixion of our Lord. The Apostle Paul reminds us that it was through the cross of Christ that God was “canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands . . . nailing it to the cross” (Colossians 2:13-15). Pastor Brent Cunningham will be teaching out of Matthew 26:14-29, looking at how Jesus used a Passover meal to explain what he was about do through his death and resurrection. We encourage you to find elements of bread and juice to participate in communion with us toward the end of the service.

In this episode Nicole Stone and Kaitlyn Johnson share their stories. We hear how they became friends and how God moved in their lives and their stories to step in to caring for vulnerable children through Royal Family Kids. They lead the initiative for Timberline under the umbrella of RFK to provide mentorship for kids aging out of the foster system in our area. We talk more about Royal Family Kids Camp in this episode and how God showed up in their lives to say yes to what God was putting on their hearts. It's amazing what a small yes can do, and how God can use our stories to make something beautiful.

This week is Orphan Care Weekend - We are intentional about standing in the gap with vulnerable children, teens and families in our community.  Our Guest Speaker is Wayne Tesch, co-founder of Royal Family KIDS Camp.  He will be sharing with us the importance a caring adult can play in the life of a child or teen that is experiencing a challenging season in their life.  Each of us can play a role in ensuring that there is one caring adult in a child or teens life.

Shelly Radic from Project 1.27 speaks at Timberline Windsor on Orphan Care Weekend 2023

Revelation Week 11

So what?: Read your Bible backwards now (in light of these realities…)

Jeff Grobaski is the founder and CEO of Epic River. He draws on more than 25 years of experience in software development and product management in his pragmatic approach to tech innovation. Before creating Epic River, Jeff began his career at EDS where he worked as a systems engineer on several logistics and personnel systems in the Pentagon for the Department of Defense. After leaving EDS, Jeff put his top-secret clearance and systems engineering experience to work in the tech startup world. Jeff lays out what Christians need to be aware of when engaging in the various social media platforms, and then takes questions from those in attendance.

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