Locations & Times

Is our world becoming more violent? Is anger becoming more uncontrollable in this nation. Shootings, fights, revenge, bullying and hate… How is all this connected to God? Join us this weekend as we look at the last days in the life of Jesus. Hope to see you there!

Pastor Joshua McGinley at Ascent Project Church on March 10, 2024

Pastor Donny explored the two different realities of Pilate and Barabbas in the final hours of Jesus's life. The question, "What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of the Jews" is still the primary question facing us today.

Pastor Donny leads our discussion as we continue our series on the Book of Mark

As we consider the courtroom scene where Jesus stood before Pilate, we realize that the choices that were made there- and the choices we make today- are vital and crucial. Join Pastor Jeff for “Decisions, decisions”.

Welcome to the eighth week of the "World Religions in 7 Sentences" Wednesday Night Community series. This Wednesday's service is with guest speaker Ryan Pauly!

Pastor Joshua McGinley at Ascent Project Church on March 3, 2024

Peter's denial (and subsequent restoration) serves as a model for each of us. Explore the ways we are not defined by our failures and the ways the Lord can even use them for redemptive purposes in others.

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