Locations & Times

Learning to See

A mini-series on learning to see

Whole people trust God for tomorrow - ‘Trust God’ being the emphasis of this title, not ‘for tomorrow’, because James’s point is that that isn’t promised. But one thing that is promised - that we especially trust God for - is that Jesus WILL return. So ‘Live beyond the mist’ (James 4:14)!

Pastor John leads our discussion this week on what it means to trust God and live 'beyond the mist'

Who do you trust? Trust is one of the biggest topics we could ever discuss. It impacts so many decisions in our lives every single day. We hope you join us this weekend as we discuss this topic. Join online or live. Can’t wait to see you there!

Learning To Take Pleasure in How God Has Made You

This world is not our home. According to Matthew 24:14 the way home is through the nations. Jesus came to redeem a multitude from all peoples, languages, and cultures to Himself (Revelation) and it cost Him dearly. We are invited to join Him in His missionary redemption plan, and as it cost Jesus, it will cost us. We are going to have to fight as Jesus fought, bleed as Jesus bled, and pray as Jesus prayed. If we will do so among and for the 6500 unreached people groups of earth (who total 3.2 billion people), King Jesus will return, and we can all go home.

We take a break this week from our James series for our annual Missions Focus Weekend. Join our special guest speaker, Ron Maddux as he leads our discussion this week.

Excitement and mystery in worship are the spiritual lifeblood of enthusiasts. As sensates want to be surrounded by beauty and intellectuals love to grapple with concepts, enthusiasts are inspired by joyful celebration. These Christians are cheerleaders for God and the Christian life. Let them clap their hands, shout “Amen!” and dance in their excitement—that’s all they ask.

We are using this fifth Sunday to do a service project together. This morning at the shop we are building care kits for the unhoused in our community. Come down and build a kit! Or join us online for a short devotional.

In this weekend’s message, we continued our fall series Living Whole in a Fractured World: A Letter from James, and Pastor Dary shared on wisdom. Are you becoming wise? Does God grant wisdom when someone asks for it? Do I have to be a certain age before I am considered wise?

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