Locations & Times

Pastor Brent leads our discussion this week as we continue our series on The Book of Mark.

This weekend we explore a single act of compassion by one woman toward Jesus as the conspiracy to murder him comes to a head. It is a 'MOMENT for the AGES' that challenges the mind and inspires the heart!

Welcome to the kickoff of the World Religions in 7 Sentences Wednesday Night Community series with Pastor Brent Cunningham!

In the culminating hours of his earthly life, Jesus gives his disciples (then and now) a big-picture understanding of his mission played out in them and through them. It won’t be easy, but he has never asked us to trust in the ease of discipleship. He always gives us his presence and power along with his promise of surpassing victory.

Pastor John leads the discussion as we pick back up in our series on The Book of Mark.

"Celebration Time" in the form of an evening set aside for "Prayer and Worship" as we conclude our 7 Days of Fasting and Prayer. Join us from right where you are to have a focused time with God to start 2024.

Pastor Joshua McGinley at Ascent Project Church on January 7, 2024

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