Locations & Times

Heaven to Earth

Heaven comes to earth! What a concept. God had something big in mind when he decided to have his son Jesus come to this earth in the form of a little baby. Come join us this weekend live or online and hear the Christmas story of Jesus being born. YOU are in the story. See ya there!

It's the season of advent. We welcome you to join online or in person.

A recap of Impossible to Possible with Jeff Lucas.

In this week’s 2 part message, we encounter the power and the posture of a God who makes the impossible a reality! As we come to grips with his greatness, we’re going to find ourselves asking the question: Why would this great God pursue me? Our prayer is that the answer would continue to stir awe and wonder and worship!

Pastor John leads our discussion this week for our second week in our Advent series with our sermon entitled "From Impossible to Possible"

As we consider the theme ‘Impossible to Possible’ we celebrate the truth that we serve God - the One who made everything, and that He is able to do remarkable, supernatural things. A virgin birth is one example! How can we posture ourselves for greater intervention from our great God?

It's the season of advent. We welcome you to join online or in person.

A recap of Cosmos to Cradle with Dick Foth.

In this episode, Pastor Dick Foth shares about his friendship with scientist Howard Malmstadt, and how his friendship and research on light changed the perspective on the profound claim that Jesus really is the Light of the World.

At Christmastime we joyously celebrate that God’s love came SO FAR to rescue us. But so little about that vast distance is understood. It’s unexplored. Unfathomed. That’s the big task we’re going to start with, to set the stage for these weeks of Advent. We’re going to try to find the jaw-dropping awe and wonder in the furthest journey ever traveled, “From Cosmos to Cradle”.

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