Join us this weekend as we discover God's amazing plan for our lives! Make no mistake… God is involved in your life even if you do not realize it. Hope to see you there!
Pastor Joshua McGinley at Ascent Project Church on December 10, 2023
That an almighty God desires and has made a way for each of us to be his friend is shocking! But that is the incredible news of Christmas – Jesus shows us that the giant has come to us and for us, even playfully.
Pastor John leads the discussion this week as our Advent season continues.
This weekend, Jeff looks at the promises that God made about sending Jesus to be our true and greatest friend. We’ll consider what an amazing friend He is, and also look at how He views and values His friends - us!
Every single one of us is in need of our Lord God leading and guiding us like a shepherd guides his sheep. This Avent we are invited to reflect on whether we are running loose from our shepherd or allowing him to guide and lead us as the Good Shepherd.
Pastor Dary leads our discussion this week as we continue our season of Advent.
This weekend we take a break from our Mark series to spend four weekends preparing for Christmas. Our series, ‘Promises Kept’ will focus primarily on the Old Testament prophecies and promises God made about the coming of Jesus to rescue us - we’re looking at the Christmas story from a fresh angle!
Entering into Advent season prepares our hearts for the celebration of the coming of the Promised Messiah. Allow a vast perspective of God’s creation and the promises that he has made (including those yet to be fulfilled) to stir worship anew this season!
This weekend we take a break from our Mark series to spend four weekends preparing for Christmas. Our series, ‘Promises Kept’ will focus primarily on the Old Testament prophecies and promises God made about the coming of Jesus to rescue us - we’re looking at the Christmas story from a fresh angle!