Pastor John leads the discussion this week on his message from Psalm 139 as we continue our Rock Solid series on the Psalms.
PSALM 139 celebrates God the Maker, who puts ART and BEAUTY and US at the heart of His creation.
This weekend was a special weekend highlighting our students! We had students on stage, in the band, greeting and sharing from the front. We heard from Pastor Justin or Jmatt as the students call him. He shared about students and Jesus response to them and to us using the passage from John 11 where Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, after weeping and entering into their pain. In the same way he meets us, and invites us to enter into the “briar patches” of the lives of people around us. He challenged us specifically to be the kind of people who care for and encourage students. We hope you loved hearing from him!
Welcome! Join us online today as we look at a passage from Matthew 7.
Timberline Windsor joins with Timberline Fort Collins as Pastor Justin Matthews gives the message for our 2021 Student Weekend celebration.
Pastor John has some discussion points following Pastor Justin Matthew's teaching on this 2021 Student Weekend
Jesus takes time to cry with his friends. He steps into lives even when they are hurting and he mourns with us. Who is someone in your life that could really use you stopping and making time for?
Welcome! Join us online today as we continue to look at a passage from Matthew 6.
In this weekend’s message we got to hear Pastor Dary Northrop preach out of Psalm 5, a psalm of David. David writes this song as a plea to God to guide him in the decisions he is making. Have you ever had a guide for something? From a museum tour, fishing expert, to backpacking- a guide is someone who has knowledge and is willing to use it to take you where you need to go. Are you facing any decisions in your life right now where you need God to guide you? I hope you are encouraged by Psalm 5 this week, and you enjoy your conversation in your small group!
Psalm 51 The God Who Forgives In this psalm we reflect on TRUTH about life and how I live it. And, we see God’s GRACE and how He gives it.