Locations & Times

Pastor Brent continues our series called "God's Nature" with a look at how we see the fingerprints of God around "Birds". We explore how we see God's nature towards us and how this relates to the story of the prodigal son.

It's summer time! As we spend more of our time outside, what does the natural world - nature - tell us about God's nature?

Hi, and welcome to Timberline. Thanks so much for joining us this weekend. We’re beginning a new teaching series, 'God’s Nature: Tracing His Fingerprints’. Summer is here, we can get out there and enjoy the beauty of Northern Colorado, but let’s ask - what does God’s Creation say about God’s character? This weekend we are looking out and up - at the Cosmos. As we consider God’s greatness, we sense the call to trust Him. He is also so very close, we can whisper to Him in prayer. And we will think about how we are called to live responsibly - the planet does not belong to us, we are tenants, not owners. Finally, we will consider to call to share our faith - Creation speaks of God, and we are called to live for Him and speak out for Him too! We trust you’ll be encouraged and inspired as we share together!

As a stage-setter for our new God’s Nature sermon series, we cast our gaze upon the vast cosmos created by the command of our Creator.

Pastor Dick Foth leads our discussion this week as we kick off our summer series called "God's Nature".

Who are you living like? What is the content and conduct of your life representing? Have you discovered and recalled the heart of giving in your practices of generosity?

Pastor John leads us this week in discussion on the topic of Giving.

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