Locations & Times

In this episode Mike Walker, the Executive Director of Serve 6.8, returns to share the story of his recent life-threatening brain tumor and the journey through his recovery. It’s a wild and miraculous story of God’s intervention and all the ways we are held in and through crisis.

In this second week of the Wednesday Night Community series "Revelation" with Pastor John Mehl, John discusses the main character of Revelation (1:9-20).

As Jesus’s life-mission turns to Jerusalem, we begin to see fruit where you wouldn’t expect it and a lack of fruit where you would have expected it. What does the response of my life tell me about the condition of my worship?

Pastor John leads the discussion this week as we continue our series on the Book of Mark.

Wednesday Night Community series "Revelation" with Pastor John Mehl! In week 1, John discusses the Overview, Intro, and Prologue of the book of Revelation (1:1-8).

Pastor Joshua McGinley at Ascent Project Church on September 24, 2023

Many of us just can’t help but seeing people in terms of labels. But when we are committed to learn more about their stories we are better positioned to suspend prejudice and be open to grace. Thank the Lord that he sees people as stories in progress and never just stops short at labels!

Pastor John leads the discussion this week as we continue our series on the Book of Mark

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