Locations & Times

Where do we seek our wisdom? From the world, or from God? Join Pastor Jeff Lucas at the Windsor campus as we continue our sermon series on the Book of James entitled "Living Whole in a Fractured World"

Pastor Jeff Lucas leads the discussion this week on the subject of Wisdom as we continue our series on the Book of James

Contemplatives refer to God as their lover, and images of a loving Father and Bridegroom best capture their view of God. Their favorite Bible passages may come from the Song of Songs, as they enter the “divine romance.” The focus is not necessarily on serving God, doing his will, accomplishing great things in his name, or even obeying him. Rather, these Christians seek to love God with the purest, deepest, and brightest love imaginable.

Soggy Bread

Cast your bread upon the water and it will return to you.

In this weekend’s message, we kicked off our fall series Living Whole in a Fractured World: A Letter from James with Pastor Dick Foth preaching a message called 'Whole People are Resilient.' We jumped right into the deep end with the question "How do we respond to trails on every side?"

The heart of James (the pastor, the flawed brother of Jesus) is a play for authenticity and wholeness of a life of faith. This series is an integrity check, not a checklist for our daily lives. A key piece of an integrity of faith is resilience – which is learned through trials, refining, and a citizenship that is beyond this world.

As we kick off our fall sermon series on the Book of James, Pastor John leads us in our discussion on the topic of resilience.

Join us this weekend as we being the series “LIVING WHOLE in a FRACTURED WORLD: A Letter from James.” We jump into the deep end with this question “How do we respond to trials on every side?”

Naturalists would prefer to leave any building, however beautiful or austere, to pray to God beside a river. Leave the books behind, forget the demonstrations—just let them take a walk through the woods, mountains, or open meadows.

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