Locations & Times

Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, is the Christian holy day to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus and his death. The greatest evil ever committed was the death of God. So, how can this day be called “good”? Because paradoxically, the cross was the death blow in God’s gloriously good plan to redeem humanity from sin and the powers of darkness. And so, we remember and proclaim! We invite you to get some sort of communion elements to take with us toward the end of the service

In this Easter Week podcast Pastor Jeff Lucas reflects on Jesus’ final journey to the cross looking at the account from Mark 14:1-11. When Jesus was anointed by Mary’s perfume, this offering showed that she understood a hint of all that was to come in the next few days. She anointed him for burial. It’s as if she was saying to Jesus “I’ve heard you. I listened when you said you were going to die, even when others protested that it must never be allowed to happen. I don’t understand but I believe what you say. Let me help prepare you for the journey ahead."

In this Easter Week podcast Pastor Jeff Lucas reflects on Jesus’ final journey to the cross looking at the account from Mark 12:1-34. The religious leaders trying to test Jesus with a host of questions move to ask him a big one. What’s the most important? It’s a question that pointed them, and indeed us, to the heart of everything. What matters most?

In this Easter Week podcast Pastor Jeff Lucas reflects on Jesus’ final journey to the cross looking at the account from Mark 11:12-33. The religious leaders around Jesus rebuked and passionately questioned Jesus about the source of His authority. But their fear showed they had no real authority. The true, heavenly authority and power belongs to Jesus alone

In this Easter Week podcast Pastor Jeff Lucas reflects on Jesus’ final journey to the cross looking at the account from Mark 11:1-11. It’s the account commonly referred to as ‘the triumphal entry.’ This fulfilled a prophesy made hundreds of years earlier by Zechariah (Zech 9:9). Zechariah had promised that this great day would happen, showing us that even in lockdown, disappointment, and chaos, God’s big purposes for the planet, and for our lives, continue, because He is the One who stands astride all of history.

In this Easter Week podcast Pastor Jeff Lucas reflects on Jesus’ final journey to the cross looking at accounts from Mark 8:31-32 and Mark 10:32-34. Despite what the disciples were told by Jesus of what was to come, they still didn’t grasp what Jesus was doing. How often do we struggle to grasp what God is doing in our lives, thinking we know better?

Jesus goes out of his way to meet his disciples – then and now – in whatever complex, preoccupied state they find themselves. And he gracefully invites us into a miraculous life, not constrained by our circumstances.

Pastor Dick Foth leads our discussion this week on his sermon titled "Fish to Fish"

This weekend we continued our series Mirror to Mirror: Moments of Reflection. This series explores some mirrored moments in the lives of several figures in scripture, before the Resurrection and after. This weekend Pastor Dary explored “Fish to Fish” looking at two of the greatest fishing stories of all time and the commissioning of Peter to become a “fisher of men” who would “feed His sheep.”

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