As we begin our series in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, Pastor Jeff will look at the context for the story – the city of Ephesus, a place of great darkness where the light of the gospel and the supernatural power of God broke out. It’s an exciting story!
Group Discussion video for our first video in the Who Do We Think We Are? series on Ephesians
Session One in our "What We Believe (and Why We Believe It)" series
In a time to condemn, Jesus created a time to pause and consider our hearts. Will we hear his invitation towards this healing? Will we listen?
When crisis comes, what should we can? What can we do now? Daniel knew all about pressure, but he responded wisely. What can we glean from his example?
everywhere people are being born everywhere people are passing on our souls are content.
How do you respond when you are facing something that seems impossible? This weekend we will take a look at trying to “face the walls“ that creep up in our lives. Walls of fear Walls of anxiety Walls of darkness Walls of isolation