Locations & Times

Mark’s Gospel really carries a rapid pace in this week’s passage. Amidst the flurry of activity, we comes to grips with the realities of spiritual battles and become challenged with who holds control over where our beliefs lead our actions.

In a day when many claim something to be “my truth,” Christians must understand the correspondence theory of truth. That is, when a belief corresponds to the way the world is, that belief has the attribute of being true. Further, we see that God has communicated truth both through His Word as well as His world.

Pastor John leads the discussion as we continue our series on the Book of Mark

Revelation- Week 3

Jesus & His Church: He is the head (1:9-29)

This weekend we are in the second week of our series "Hope, Help, & Healing" with Pastor Jeff Lucas. We are considering the vital question: What does it mean to be a disciple - and apprentice - of Jesus. Thank you for tuning in!

As Jesus begins his preaching ministry he invites people around him who he will teach, and train, and release. This call to follow him, even if it comes unexpected and even undeserved, does not come lightly! It will utterly change, not just our lives, but our very selves.

Pastor John leads our discussion this week as we continue our series on the Book of Mark

Revelation: Week 2

Prologue: John signals how to read this (1:1-8)

Culture arises as people cultivate what God has created. Culture differs from nature in that it is humanly engineered. But are some cultures better than others? We consider a three-fold template for how Christians assess cultural, as well as a possible danger that comes along with each of these three responses.

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