Locations & Times

As we continue our series in the New Testament book of James, we learn that our faith will lead to fruit in our lives - and if there’s no fruit or life change, James questions the authenticity of the faith we profess.

Pastor Dary leads the discussion this week as we look at what "faith through works" looks like.

As we continue our series in the New Testament book of James, we learn that our faith will lead to fruit in our lives - and if there’s no fruit or life change, James questions the authenticity of the faith we profess. Join Pastor Jeff for this challenging message!

Sensate Christians want to be lost in the awe, beauty, and splendor of God. They are drawn particularly to the liturgical, the majestic, the grand. When these Christians worship, they want to be filled with sights, sounds, and smells that overwhelm them. Incense, intricate architecture, classical music, and formal language send their hearts soaring.  Ascetics want nothing more than to be left alone in prayer. Take away the liturgy, the trappings of religion, the noise of the outside world. Let there be nothing to distract them—no pictures, no loud music—and leave them alone to pray in silence and simplicity. 

In this weekend’s message, we continued our fall series Living Whole in a Fractured World: A Letter from James with Pastor Jeff Lucas. We studied James 1.19-20 and 3.1-12 and discussed the incredibly relevant teaching James shares about the way we talk. It is a recurring theme throughout the letter and a convicting one to internalize. How are we using our words? Particularly in the season we are in, with anger brimming up and pouring out of so many people, how can we be people who model James 1.19 “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry?”

We're continuing a month looking at the wisdom literature in James and how it might guide us towards a life of wholeness in Christ.

One of the most prominent themes in James is the wholeness of the believer’s speech aligned with their faith. But what would our relationships and our communities look like if the people of God faithfully were quick to listen and slow to speak and slow to be angry? How rare and desperate is the world for people like that!

Our words have a profound impact on the people around us. Pastor John leads the discussion this week as we continue our sermon series on the Book of James

This weekend, we look at a theme that James returns to again and again through his letter - the way we talk!

Activists serve a God of justice, and their favorite Scripture is often the story of Jesus’ cleansing of the temple. They define worship as standing against evil and calling sinners to repentance. These Christians often view the church as a place to recharge their batteries so they can go back into the world to wage war against injustice.

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