Locations & Times

The Walk of Becoming: "Faithfulness" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor

Series: The Walk of Becoming: Experiencing Christlike Character in 2024

June 09, 2024 | John Mehl

Especially in Christian circles, we proclaim God’s faithfulness (his worthiness of our belief, our trust) - and rightfully so. But just because this may be true, what happens when we are not seeing it or experiencing it? What are we supposed to do when God isn’t showing up like we thought he would?

Follow Along with the Message

Walk of Becoming: Experiencing Faithfulness

Gal.5:22-23, Jms.1:17, Mlchi.3:6

Pastor John Mehl


Platitudes of faith may be   and yet not immediately  


What is it that we are actually believing ?


Series Information

Other sermons in the series