Locations & Times

The Walk of Becoming: "Experiencing Kindness" Jeff Lucas at Timberline Church

Series: The Walk of Becoming: Experiencing Christlike Character in 2024

May 26, 2024 | Jeff Lucas

In a world - and an election season - where kindness can become a casualty, Pastor Jeff considers the ‘loving kindness’ of our God, and the call to us to become like Him - showing indiscriminate kindness, especially to those who have little or nothing to offer in return. 

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The Walk of Becoming: Experiencing Kindness


Pastor Jeff Lucas


Galatians 5:22


1. God is kind - () - () kindness. 


2. Kindness is often about () those who have () to give us in return.  


3. Kindness will be always needed with () that God calls us to () with. 


4. Remember that () we meet has a (). 


5. Let’s be () when we’re proven ().


6. Kindness can be a () point and () a ()!  



Series Information

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