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"Mark: The Parable of the Sower" Donny Abbott at Timberline Church

Series: MARK: Hope, Help & Healing

March 26, 2023 | Donny Abbott

This week Pastor Donny shares from Mark 4:1-20. He recounts a parable Jesus told about a man who sowed seed onto four types of soils. These soils Jesus compares to the four types of human hearts. The hope from this message is that people will identify which soil their heart is and identify ways to move their heart to fertile/fruitful good soil.

Follow Along with the Message


Mark: The Parable of the Sower

Donny Abbott


Mark 4:1-20


  1. Parables are in listening
  2. The seed sown is the
  3. God is for your heart


Pharoah - Exodus 3 - 11

Peter’s Denial - Luke 22:54-62

Judas - John 12

Mary – Luke 10


Series Information

Other sermons in the series