Locations & Times


"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7

Giving changes lives!

Your generosity spreads love and hope all over the world when you give through Timberline Church. Our mission, to spend our lives sharing the life and love of Jesus, can't be accomplished without your partnership. Reaching people for Jesus locally, nationally, and globally takes many hands.

Because of your giving, we are continually honored to support and host our community in several different ways, including award ceremonies, graduations, and training for local police and fire authorities and several Northern Colorado schools.

Thank you for your investment in His Kingdom!

Select Your Campus

Fort Collins Campus

Windsor Campus

What are funds used for?

Your gifts are impacting the kingdom through Timberline Church. From supporting adoptive, foster, and kinship initiatives to mobilizing missions locally, nationally, and globally, your generosity is impacting every corner of the world. We are honored to be able to support the community by hosting police and fire authorities for training, as well as several awards and graduation ceremonies. We are also lucky enough to support schools and students in multiple ways through your contributions to our student ministry organizations and student groups.

Additionally, we are able to continually reach people all around the world with digital impact made possible by your giving.

Here are some other ways our generous donors have made a difference through giving last year!


How do I access my end-of-year contribution statements?

Your giving statement is available to you anytime by accessing your Timberline account:

  • Log in to your Timberline account
  • Click on "My Giving"
  • Click on "Giving Statement"
  • Enter the information you desire, then click "Run Report"
This will produce a document showing your requested giving information that you may use for tax purposes. If you need help with a statement you can call our office and request one at (970) 482-4387.
Are there other options for giving?

Your giving falls into two categories: charitable cash and asset-based contributions. Charitable cash includes cash, check, or credit card donations. If you'd like to mail in check or cash, please send it to our address below. Please designate the campus you wish your funds to go to: Fort Collins campus, Windsor campus or Timberline Old Town campus:

Timberline Church
2908 S Timberline Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525

Asset-based contributions are noncash and include stocks and mutual funds, charitable gift or annuities (CGAs).


Timberline’s financial records are audited each year by the certified public accountants at Capin Crouse LLC. This audit report provides the basis of our membership for the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. ECFA accredits churches based on Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship and has again certified Timberline Church.

Life Impact