Mark: "Peter Denies Jesus" Brent Cunningham at Timberline Windsor
Series: MARK: Hope, Help & Healing
March 03, 2024 | Brent Cunningham
Peter's denial (and subsequent restoration) serves as a model for each of us. Explore the ways we are not defined by our failures and the ways the Lord can even use them for redemptive purposes in others.
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Series Information
Other sermons in the series

"Hope, Help & Healing: Get a Life!" Jeff Lucas at Timberline Church
As we kick off the new series "Hope, Help, & Healing" with Pastor Jeff Lucas, we will...

RECAP: "Hope, Help & Healing: Get a Life!" Jeff Lucas
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Mark: Hope, Help and Healing "A New Beginning" Brent Cunningham at the Windsor Campus
The Gospel of Mark opens up essentially mid-story with Jesus’s life and ministry. The...

Mark "Come, Follow Me" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
As Jesus begins his preaching ministry he invites people around him who he will teach...

RECAP: "Hope, Help & Healing: The Apprentice" Jeff Lucas
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"Hope, Help & Healing: The Apprentice" Jeff Lucas at Timberline Church
This weekend we are in the second week of our series "Hope, Help, & Healing" with...

Mark: "Faith- But on whose terms?" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
Mark’s Gospel really carries a rapid pace in this week’s passage. Amidst the flurry of...

"Hope, Help, & Healing: Deliverance and Healing" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church
Join us this weekend as we consider the mission of Jesus. He came to set us free and...

RECAP: "Hope, Help, & Healing: Deliverance and Healing" Dary Northrop
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Mark: "The Healing of the Paralytic" Donny Abbott at Timberline Windsor
Rising in great popularity and influence, more and more people are coming to see Jesus...

"Hope, Help, & Healing: Winning Team" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church
Guess what? It is Super Bowl weekend. Regardless of who you are cheering for, one team...

RECAP: "Hope, Help, & Healing: Winning Team" Dary Northrop
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Mark: "A Healing Welcome" Mackenzie Matthews at Timberline Windsor
In this message Mackenzie Matthews explores Mark 2.13-17 and the ways Jesus saw and...

RECAP "MARK: Lets Have Dinner" Dary Northrop
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"Hope, Help & Healing: Let's Have Dinner" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church

Mark: 'Join the Party!' John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
Christians can get quite sleepy and stuck and stuffy, unnecessarily. When it is a...

"Mark: Are you hungry?" Joshua McGinley at Timberline Church
In Mark chapter 2, the people questioned Jesus about fasting and we still have...

RECAP - "Mark: Are you hungry?" Joshua McGinley
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RECAP - "Mark: Amazing Jesus, Dangerous Religion" Jeff Lucas
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Mark: 'A Likely Unexplored, Unexperienced Gift' John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
As soon as he steps onto the ministry and preaching scene, Jesus is being targeted. In...

"Mark: Amazing Jesus, Dangerous Religion" Jeff Lucas at Timberline Church
In this week's message we explore more of the gospel of Mark. We look at two episodes...

Mark: "Spend Time With Jesus" Donny Abbott at Timberline Windsor
Spending with Jesus may seem like a basic practice, but there is incomparable power...

"Mark: Chosen" Dick Foth at Timberline Church
Welcome to Timberline Church and Daylight Savings Time! This weekend Dick Foth will...

RECAP "Mark: Chosen" Dick Foth
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Mark: "Pushing Back Against Jesus" Brent Cunningham at Timberline Windsor
In this weekend's passage we encounter continued (and even surprising) pushback...

"Mark: Accusation" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church
Have you ever been falsely accused? It is a terrible feeling! We are in a culture that...

RECAP: "Mark: Accusation" Dary Northrop

RECAP: "Mark: The Parable of the Sower" Donny Abbott

"Mark: The Parable of the Sower" Donny Abbott at Timberline Church
This week Pastor Donny shares from Mark 4:1-20. He recounts a parable Jesus told about...

Mark: "Fruit in Spiritual Greenhouses" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
There is a tremendous amount of fruit spread all across our church family! God is...

Nicole Stone and Kaitlyn Johnson on Friendship and Caring for Vulnerable Children Through Royal Family Kids
In this episode Nicole Stone and Kaitlyn Johnson share their stories. We hear how they...

"Mark: A Life Worth Living" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church
Is your life worth living? What are the components that bring contentment and joy in...

RECAP: "Mark: A Life Worth Living" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church

Mark: "The Secret of Life" Dick Foth at Timberline Windsor
God has chosen to reveal the vast mysteries of his self-revelation and will to us, not...

RECAP: "Mark: The Surprising Hidden Kingdom" Dick Foth

"Mark: The Surprising Hidden Kingdom" Dick Foth at Timberline Church
Welcome to another Timberline Weekend, as we see the power of Kingdom of God expressed...

"Mark: Into The Storm" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church
Do you have a plan for facing the storms of life? Join us this weekend as we consider...

RECAP: "Mark: Into The Storm" Dary Northrop

Mark: "I Have a Question For You" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
This week we encounter the question of the whole Gospel of Mark, “Who then is this?”...

RECAP: "Mark: Life Changing Hope" Jeff Lucas at Timberline Church

Mark: "Knowing Your Enemy" Brent Cunningham at Timberline Windsor
Pastor Brent guides us through an important study on the nature and origins of hostile...

"Mark: Life Changing Hope" Jeff Lucas at Timberline Church
As we continue to journey through Mark’s gospel, this week Pastor Jeff looks at a dark...

"Mark: Desperate Faith & The Jarius Name Meaning" Mackenzie Matthews at Timberline Church
In this message about the Jairus name meaning, the account of his daughter and the...

RECAP: "Mark: Desperate Faith " Mackenzie Matthews

Mark: "Jairus and the Bleeding Woman" Donny Abbott at Timberline Windsor
In two different desperate situations, Jesus intimately meets people's needs. In...

"Mark: Untying God’s Hands" Jeff Lucas at Timberline Church
God is mighty- but we can tie His hands with bad decisions and unbelief. We continue...

RECAP: "Mark: Untying God’s Hands" Jeff Lucas

Mark: "Return To Sender" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
Facing rejection, relational tension, is all too familiar to Jesus (especially in his...

"Mark: The Choices We Make" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church

RECAP: "Mark: The Choices We Make" Dary Northrop

Mark: "Choosing Well- The Power of our Choices" Jeff Lucas at Timberline Windsor
We are all constantly facing decisions - some larger and more complex than others. In...

"Mark: Feeding the Five Thousand" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church

RECAP: "Mark: Feeding the Five Thousand" Dary Northrop

Mark: "The One Who Makes the Inadequate Abundant" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
I’m tired. You’re tired. We don’t have enough for the needs we’re facing. God doesn’t...

"Mark: I AM, the Water Walker " Dick Foth at Timberline Church

RECAP: "Mark: I AM, the Water Walker " Dick Foth

Mark: "God Comes Near" Donny Abbott at Timberline Windsor
Continuing an incredibly busy day, Jesus draws near to his disciples in a miraculous...

"Mark: True Religion - A Change of Heart" Jeff Lucas at Timberline Church

RECAP: "Mark: True Religion - A Change of Heart" Jeff Lucas

Mark: "Dirty Made Clean" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
Throughout Mark’s Gospel we see Jesus doing great signs and wonders and we also see...

RECAP: "Mark: Who Let the Dogs Out?" Jeff Lucas

Mark: " When Love Breaks Out" Brent Cunningham at Timberline Windsor
In a shocking interaction, it seems that Jesus is being quite rude (if not even...

"Mark: Who Let the Dogs Out?" Jeff Lucas at Timberline Church
This weekend Pastor Jeff looks at one of the most shocking episodes in Mark's gospel...

"Mark: Do you get it?" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church
Join us this week as we consider the challenge of understanding God and His plan for...

RECAP: "Mark: Do you get it?" Dary Northrop

Mark: "The God of Grace and Change" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
God loves you right where you are – And he loves you too much to leave you there...

"Mark: Seeing Clearly" Josh McGinley at Timberline Church
The book of Mark provides us with a fascinating account of a two part healing that is...

RECAP: "Mark: Seeing Clearly" Josh McGinley
Fort Collins Campus: Small Group Discussion

Mark: " Now You See Me, Now You Don't" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
In a heightened time of developing understanding within his disciples, Jesus heals a...

RECAP: "Mark: Human vs. Divine" Dary Northrop
Fort Collins Campus: Small Group Discussion

"Mark: Human vs. Divine" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church
Do you think in a human realm more or less than a divine realm? It’s is big question...

Mark: "The Mark Question" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
Facing the pivotal question of the Gospel of Mark, Jesus now intends on taking all...

"Mark: Is God Really There?" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church
Does God talk to you? Is He even real? How involved is God in our lives? We will be...

RECAP:"Mark: Is God Really There?" Dary Northrop

Mark: "Is God Really There?" Dary Northrop at Timberline Windsor
Does God talk to you? Is He even real? How involved is God in our lives? We will be...

"Mark: What Controls You?" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church

RECAP: "Mark: What Controls You?" Dary Northrop

Mark: "When Ministry Doesn't Work" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
God meets us in the middle of our struggles and needs. He invites us beyond just...

"Mark: True Greatness" Donny Abbott at Timberline Church
All of us have a desire to be great and leave a lasting impact. Jesus tells us that...

RECAP: "Mark: True Greatness" Donny Abbott

Mark: "The Greatest of All Time" Dick Foth at Timberline Windsor
Amidst the disciples' struggle to position themselves as the greatest of Jesus...

"Mark: Stay Salty! " John Mehl at Timberline Church
There is a battle underway for the souls of all people. It is critical that the Church...

RECAP: "Mark: Stay Salty! " John Mehl

Mark: "Warnings About Sin" Donny Abbott at Timberline Windsor
Infighting can be so easy to do because these people are closest to us (and have the...

"Mark: Have a Heart" Jeff Lucas at Timberline Church
This weekend, Pastor Jeff looks at one of the most challenging passages in the new...

RECAP: "Mark: Have a Heart" Jeff Lucas

Mark: "Family Matters" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
Turning around a ‘trap-question’ from the Pharisees, Jesus teaches his people about...

"Mark: You Want What???" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church
Join us this weekend as we look at our human nature and tendency to promote ourselves...

RECAP: "Mark: You Want What???" Dary Northrop

Mark: "A Bold Request" Brent Cunningham at Timberline Windsor
Pastor Brent joins us at the Windsor Campus as we continue our series on the Book of Mark

"Mark: MOMENTS That Change It All" Dick Foth at Timberline Church

RECAP: "Mark: MOMENTS That Change It All" Dick Foth

Mark- "Stories Not Labels" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
Many of us just can’t help but seeing people in terms of labels. But when we are...

Mark: "The Donkey, the Fig Tree and the Temple" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church

RECAP: Mark: "The Donkey, the Fig Tree and the Temple" Dary Northrop

Bonus Group Resource: Mark-"Let's Roll"
Pastor John leads the discussion this week as we continue our series on the Book of Mark.

Mark: "Let's Roll" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
As Jesus’s life-mission turns to Jerusalem, we begin to see fruit where you wouldn’t...

RECAP: Mark: "Authority" Dary Northrop

Mark: "Authority" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church

Mark: Jesus says "Pick a Side!" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
Jesus never intends merely allowing people to form lukewarm conclusions and personal...