Locations & Times

Acts: "Big God, Real Church" Donny Abbott at Timberline Windsor

Series: Acts: Big God, Real Church

September 01, 2024 | Donny Abbott

Acts chapter 1 begins the hinge-point, transition-point between Luke's Gospel of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and the accounts Acts of the Apostles. Postured in awe and amazement with everything they have seen and experienced from Jesus, the final words of Jesus calls his people to wait upon him to enter into what he has for them next.

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ACTS – Big God, Real Church

“Big God, Real Church”

Acts 1:1-26

Donny Abbott

  1. The Ascension shows Jesus   to His   place with God the  .
  2. It signifies the   of a new  .
  3. The Ascension is a   of the  .


Series Information

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