Locations & Times

Acts: Big God, Real Church- "How Full is Full?" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor

Series: Acts: Big God, Real Church

September 15, 2024 | John Mehl

When God desires to do a fresh thing in us and through us, his Spirit enlarges our capacity and empowers us. The more we recognize and live in this sort of filling the more boldly we will live. But for lives that may already feel (or truly be) full, how much more ‘full’ can we get? How full is full?

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Follow Along with the Message

Acts: Big God, Real Church

“How Full Is Full?”

Pastor John Mehl

Acts 3:1-4:31


God, over time, does a   in our lives that expands our capacity to be  


Being   by God grows/produces/harvests into  

Series Information

Other sermons in the series