Locations & Times

Explore Groups

Through connecting with others, we are able to deepen relationships for encouragement, support, service, and growth, for "A cord of three strands is not easily broken."

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There's a community waiting for you

Friend, you are wanted!

Explore the variety of groups here to see what may be a good fit for you in this season of life. Search Bible studies, interest groups, service-based groups, and more.

Consider that many groups are engaged for a while and change over time. That's ok, because groups reflect the nature and needs of our lives. There is always the opportunity to start your own group, and we would welcome your feedback if that is of interest. Just reach out!

Most of all, we hope that you will find a community where you may thrive according to how God created you. 


Ushers greet those who enter the sanctuary and help them find a seat. On some occasions, communion will need to be served. Passing the collection plate will be expected.

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The MarCom and Media teams are looking for someone to help with videography! If you're a creatively-minded videographer, of any skill level, who can help us collect stock videos of the weekends and at events, then this position is for you!

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Not Sure Where to Serve?

We would be honored to connect and help you explore the right area to serve. We have personal Ministry Guides who will journey with you to help you find your sweet spot of service.

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