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Acts 16: Big God, Real Church | Breaking Chains and Finding Freedom | Joshua McGinley | Timberline Church
Series: Acts: Big God, Real Church
Joshua McGinley
February 2, 2025
Acts 16 shares the incredible transformation stories of 3 new believers. Lydia is the first convert in Philippi, a girl who was possessed by a demon and in slavery is freed, and the jailer...
Big God – Real Church: A series on the Book of Acts’: Acts 2: Pentecost
The day of Pentecost is one of the most life altering days in all of history and its...
Acts: Big God, Real Church- 'A Day Like No Other' Dick Foth at Timberline Windsor
On the day of the birth of the Church, we see the Spirit of God working in both...
Bonus Group Resource- Acts: 'A Day Like No Other'
Pastor Dick Foth leads the discussion as we continue our series on The Book of Acts
Acts 1 - Big God, Real Church: The Ascension of Jesus
Welcome to the very first episode of our new series, “Big God, Real Church”! In this...
RECAP - Big God – Real Church: A series on the Book of Acts’: Acts 1: Ascension of Jesus
Acts 1 - Big God, Real Church: The Ascension of Jesus | Recap Video Welcome to our...
Acts: "Big God, Real Church" Donny Abbott at Timberline Windsor
Acts chapter 1 begins the hinge-point, transition-point between Luke's Gospel of the...
Bonus Group Resource: "Big God, Real Church"
Pastor Donny leads the discussion this week as we kick off our new sermon series on...
Juanita Munoz on Abuse, Redemption, and Transformation
In this powerful and emotional episode, Juanita Munoz shares her journey through...
Mealtime Habits of the Messiah - "Incredible Potential" Dary Northrop at Timberline
Jesus saw a man (with a name). Jesus asks an (unlikely question). Is my thought...
"The Day the Revolution Began" Brent Cunningham at Timberline Windsor
Join us this weekend for Pastor Brent's message "The Day the Revolution Began"
Mealtime Habits of the Messiah - "HOW STRANGERS BECOME FRIENDS" Richard Foth at Timberline
"Revelation: A ‘Refresh Button’ in 30 Minutes": John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
Because our souls so often need a refresh and perspective away from ourselves, Pastor...